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Estudios Comentados

Incidence of Peri-Implantitis and Relationship with Different Conditions:... Estudios comentados Incidence of Peri-Implantitis and Relationship with Different Conditions:... Astolfi V, Ríos-Carrasco B, Gil-Mur FJ, Ríos-Santos JV, Bullón B, Herrero-Climent M, Bullón P. Int J Environ Res... Longitudinal follow‐up study of the association between statin use and... Estudios comentados Longitudinal follow‐up study of the association between statin use and... Kwon MJ, Byun SH, Kim JH, Kim JH, Kim SH, Kim NY, Park HR, Choi HG Sci Rep. 2022;12:5504 The relationship between body mass index and stage/grade of periodontitis:... Estudios comentados The relationship between body mass index and stage/grade of periodontitis:... Çetin MB, Sezgin Y, Önder C, Bakirarar B Clin Oral Investig. 2022;26:1937-45
Electronic Cigarette Use Promotes a Unique Periodontal Microbiome Estudios comentados Electronic Cigarette Use Promotes a Unique Periodontal Microbiome Los cigarrillos electrónicos forman aerosoles a partir de un líquido que normalmente contiene... The effect of periodontitis on recipient outcomes after kidney... Estudios comentados The effect of periodontitis on recipient outcomes after kidney... La periodontitis es una patología frecuente en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC)... Does oral lichen planus aggravate the state of periodontal disease? A... Estudios comentados Does oral lichen planus aggravate the state of periodontal disease? A... El liquen plano oral (LPO) es una patología crónica e inflamatoria que se manifiesta en la mucosa bucal y afecta a un...
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